
What Repair Mechanism Is Most Likely Involved In Repairing Dna Damage Caused By Ionizing Radiation?

Deoxyribonucleic acid integrity is always under attack from environmental agents similar skin cancer-causing UV rays. How do DNA repair mechanisms detect and repair damaged Deoxyribonucleic acid, and what happens when they fail?

Because DNA is the repository of genetic information in each living cell, its integrity and stability are essential to life. Deoxyribonucleic acid, however, is not inert; rather, information technology is a chemic entity bailiwick to assault from the environment, and any resulting damage, if non repaired, will lead to mutation and peradventure affliction. Perhaps the all-time-known instance of the link between environmental-induced DNA damage and disease is that of skin cancer, which can be caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation in the form of sunlight (and, to a lesser caste, tanning beds). Another instance is the damage caused by tobacco smoke, which can lead to mutations in lung cells and subsequent cancer of the lung. Beyond environmental agents, Deoxyribonucleic acid is as well subject area to oxidative damage from byproducts of metabolism, such equally gratis radicals. In fact, information technology has been estimated that an individual cell tin endure upward to one million Dna changes per twenty-four hour period (Lodish et al., 2005).

In addition to genetic insults caused by the environs, the very procedure of Deoxyribonucleic acid replication during cell division is prone to error. The rate at which Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase adds wrong nucleotides during Deoxyribonucleic acid replication is a major factor in determining the spontaneous mutation charge per unit in an organism. While a "proofreading" enzyme normally recognizes and corrects many of these errors, some mutations survive this process. Estimates of the frequency at which human DNA undergoes lasting, uncorrected errors range from 1 x 10-4 to i x 10-6 mutations per gamete for a given gene. A charge per unit of 1 x x-six means that a scientist would expect to observe 1 mutation at a specific locus per one meg gametes. Mutation rates in other organisms are often much lower (Table 1).

1 way scientists are able to estimate mutation rates is by because the rate of new dominant mutations found at different loci. For example, by examining the number of individuals in a given population who were diagnosed with neurofibromatosis (NF1, a disease acquired past a spontaneous—or noninherited—dominant mutation), scientists determined that the spontaneous mutation rate of the cistron responsible for this disease averaged 1 x 10-4 mutations per gamete (Crowe et al., 1956). Other researchers have found that the mutation rates of other genes, like that for Huntington'due south disease, are significantly lower than the rate for NF1. The fact that investigators have reported unlike mutation rates for different genes suggests that certain loci are more than prone to impairment or error than others.

Deoxyribonucleic acid Repair Mechanisms and Human being Disease

Seven genetic diseases are listed in seven rows in column one of this three-column table. The symptoms associated with each disease are listed in column two. The genetic defect responsible for each disease is listed in column three.

Two chemical pathway diagrams show how UV radiation catalyzes the dimerization of pyrimidines. The chemical structures of two pyrimidines are shown on the left side of each diagram. A horizontal arrow in the middle of the diagram represents a photoreactivation, catalyzed by the enzyme photolyase in the presence of UV light. The chemical structure of the resulting dimer is shown on the right side of each diagram. In panel A, two thymine molecules combine to form a thymine-thymine dimer. In panel B, a thymine molecule and a cytosine molecule combine to form a cytosine-thymine dimer. In both panels, the individual pyrimidine molecules on the left side of the diagram look like separate, six-sided rings; after the photoreactivation, the two rings have combined to form a single, two-ringed molecule.

Deoxyribonucleic acid repair processes exist in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, and many of the proteins involved have been highly conserved throughout evolution. In fact, cells have evolved a number of mechanisms to find and repair the diverse types of damage that tin can occur to DNA, no matter whether this damage is caused by the environment or by errors in replication. Because Dna is a molecule that plays an active and disquisitional role in cell division, command of Dna repair is closely tied to regulation of the cell cycle. (Call back that cells transit through a cycle involving the M1, South, G2, and 1000 phases, with Deoxyribonucleic acid replication occurring in the S phase and mitosis in the M phase.) During the cell cycle, checkpoint mechanisms ensure that a cell'south Deoxyribonucleic acid is intact before permitting DNA replication and jail cell division to occur. Failures in these checkpoints can pb to an accumulation of damage, which in turn leads to mutations.

Defects in Dna repair underlie a number of human genetic diseases that affect a broad diversity of trunk systems but share a constellation of common traits, virtually notably a predisposition to cancer (Table 2). These disorders include ataxia-telangiectasia (AT), a degenerative motor condition acquired by failure to repair oxidative damage in the cerebellum, and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a status characterized by sensitivity to sunlight and linked to a defect in an important ultraviolet (UV) damage repair pathway. In addition, a number of genes that have been implicated in cancer, such equally the RAD group, have also been determined to encode proteins disquisitional for Deoxyribonucleic acid impairment repair.

UV Damage, Nucleotide Excision Repair, and Photoreactivation

A vertical schematic diagram shows the nucleotide-excision repair process in six stages; stage one is shown at the top of the diagram, and stage six is shown at the bottom of the diagram. In stage one, a region of double-stranded DNA is depicted as two horizontal, grey rectangles arranged in parallel. The upper rectangle, representing the upper DNA strand, contains a small, convex kink. This structural distortion is caused by damage along the upper strand, represented as a darkly-shaded region on the upper rectangle. In stage two, a purple oval is bound to the damaged DNA. In stage three, the two DNA strands have separated near the damaged site; orange spheres are bound to the single strands. In stage four, a light blue molecule is shown cleaving the upper DNA strand, to the left and to the right of the damaged region. In stage five, the damaged region is removed, leaving a rectangular gap in the upper DNA strand. In stage six, new DNA, shaded orange, fills the rectangular gap.

A double-stranded region of DNA is shown before and after exposure to UV light in panels A and B, respectively. In panel C, the DNA illustrated in panel B is shown in greater detail, with the individual strands and nitrogenous bases visible. In panel A, the two sugar-phosphate backbones of a two base-pair-long region of DNA are represented as a single, grey, vertical ribbon. A phosphate group that composes part of the sugar-phosphate backbone is depicted as a gold sphere; two sugars are represented by grey pentagons above and below the phosphate group. The sugar molecules are each attached to a thymine base, represented as an orange hexagon. In panel B, the ribbon representing the DNA molecule has been exposed to UV light, and is bent at its center. In this curved conformation, the thymine bases are in closer proximity to one another; red lines connect the bases, and represent covalent bonds. In panel C, a ten-nucleotide-long region of DNA distorted by UV radiation is shown in detail. The two strands of DNA are depicted as two parallel, vertical, grey rectangles. Ten capital letters, representing nitrogenous bases, are labeled inside each rectangle. From top to bottom, the letters in the left-hand rectangle are: AGGTTGCATC. From top to bottom, the letters in the right-hand rectangle are: TCCAACGTAG. Two horizontal, parallel red lines are shown between the fourth nucleotide (thymine) and the fifth nucleotide (also thymine) on the left-hand rectangle, or strand. The red lines correspond to a kink in the left-hand strand, caused by UV radiation.

Equally previously mentioned, 1 important Dna damage response (DDR) is triggered by exposure to UV low-cal. Of the three categories of solar UV radiation, only UV-A and UV-B are able to penetrate Earth's atmosphere. Thus, these 2 types of UV radiations are of greatest concern to humans, peculiarly every bit continuing depletion of the ozone layer causes higher levels of this radiation to reach the planet'south surface.

UV radiation causes 2 classes of Dna lesions: cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs, Figure ane) and half-dozen-4 photoproducts (vi-4 PPs, Figure two). Both of these lesions misconstrue Deoxyribonucleic acid's structure, introducing bends or kinks and thereby impeding transcription and replication. Relatively flexible areas of the DNA double helix are well-nigh susceptible to damage. In fact, one "hot spot" for UV-induced damage is establish within a ordinarily mutated oncogene, the p53 gene.

CPDs and 6-4 PPs are both repaired through a procedure known as nucleotide excision repair (NER). In eukaryotes, this complex process relies on the products of approximately xxx genes. Defects in some of these genes have been shown to cause the human disease XP, as well as other conditions that share a risk of pare cancer that is elevated about a thousandfold over normal. More than specifically, eukaryotic NER is carried out by at least 18 protein complexes via iv discrete steps (Effigy 3): detection of damage; excision of the section of DNA that includes and surrounds the error; filling in of the resulting gap by DNA polymerase; and sealing of the nick betwixt the newly synthesized and older Deoxyribonucleic acid (Figure iv). In bacteria (which are prokaryotes), however, the process of NER is completed by only iii proteins, named UvrA, UvrB, and UvrC.

Bacteria and several other organisms likewise possess another mechanism to repair UV damage called photoreactivation. This method is often referred to as "light repair," considering it is dependent on the presence of light energy. (In comparison, NER and most other repair mechanisms are frequently referred to as "dark repair," as they do not require lite equally an energy source.) During photoreactivation, an enzyme called photolyase binds pyrimidine dimer lesions; in improver, a second molecule known every bit chromophore converts light energy into the chemic energy required to directly revert the affected area of Dna to its undamaged grade. Photolyases are found in numerous organisms, including fungi, plants, invertebrates such equally fruit flies, and vertebrates including frogs. They do not appear to exist in humans, however (Sinha & Hader, 2002).

Additional Deoxyribonucleic acid Repair mechanisms

A schematic diagram shows the repair of a DNA lesion in four discrete steps. At the top of the diagram, a region of double-stranded DNA is represented by two horizontal lines. Eight vertical, perpendicular lines occupy the space between the two strands, like the rungs of a ladder. After the formation of a DNA dimer, two vertical lines, or rungs, at the center of the DNA molecule are shorter than the other rungs, and fail to connect the upper DNA strand to the lower strand. In step one of the repair process, the dimer is recognized and the DNA is cut to the left and to the right of the lesion. In step two, the dimer is excised, or removed. In the diagram, the upper DNA strand is absent between rungs three and six following the excision. In step three, the gap is filled by DNA polymerase: a dotted line represents the newly-synthesized DNA on the upper strand. In step four, the nick is sealed by DNA ligase.

NER and photoreactivation are not the only methods of DNA repair. For example, base excision repair (BER) is the predominant mechanism that handles the spontaneous DNA damage caused by free radicals and other reactive species generated by metabolism. Bases tin can get oxidized, alkylated, or hydrolyzed through interactions with these agents. For example, methyl (CH3) chemical groups are frequently added to guanine to form 7-methylguanine; alternatively, purine groups may exist lost. All such changes upshot in abnormal bases that must be removed and replaced. Thus, enzymes known as Deoxyribonucleic acid glycosylases remove damaged bases by literally cutting them out of the Deoxyribonucleic acid strand through cleavage of the covalent bonds between the bases and the carbohydrate-phosphate backbone. The resulting gap is and then filled by a specialized repair polymerase and sealed by ligase. Many such enzymes are found in cells, and each is specific to certain types of base alterations.

Nevertheless another grade of DNA damage is double-strand breaks, which are caused past ionizing radiation, including gamma rays and Ten-rays. These breaks are highly deleterious. In addition to interfering with transcription or replication, they can lead to chromosomal rearrangements, in which pieces of i chromosome become fastened to another chromosome. Genes are disrupted in this process, leading to hybrid proteins or inappropriate activation of genes. A number of cancers are associated with such rearrangements. Double-strand breaks are repaired through ane of two mechanisms: nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination repair (HRR). In NHEJ, an enzyme called DNA ligase IV uses overhanging pieces of DNA adjacent to the intermission to bring together and fill in the ends. Boosted errors can exist introduced during this procedure, which is the case if a cell has not completely replicated its DNA in preparation for partition. In contrast, during HRR, the homologous chromosome itself is used as a template for repair.

Mutations in an organism's DNA are a part of life. Our genetic lawmaking is exposed to a variety of insults that threaten its integrity. Simply, a rigorous organization of checks and balances is in place through the Dna repair machinery. The errors that slip through the cracks may sometimes be associated with disease, only they are also a source of variation that is acted upon past longer-term processes, such as evolution and natural selection.

References and Recommended Reading

Branze, D., & Foiani, M. Regulation of DNA repair throughout the cell wheel. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biological science 9, 297–308 (2008) doi:10.1038/nrm2351.pdf (link to commodity)

Crowe, F. Due west., et al. A Clinical, Pathological, and Genetic Study of Multiple Neurofibromatosis (Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1956)

Lodish, H., et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell, fifth ed. (New York, Freeman, 2004)

Sinha, R. P., & Häder, D. P. UV-induced DNA harm and repair: A review. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 1, 225–236 (2002)

What Repair Mechanism Is Most Likely Involved In Repairing Dna Damage Caused By Ionizing Radiation?,


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